Thursday, 15 July 2010

Day Three - Wednesday 14th

Now its the third day of work experience and I'm kinda getting used to everything. Today we did a bit of photoshop with the pictures we took the other day. I don't think I mentioned them, so if I didn't, basically we paired off and took pictures of each other in a studio-type room with various poses and stuff. I remember one of the ones I did made me laugh; I was pointing and laughing quite like a mad scientist in a film. What exactly I was laughing at I'm not sure, but I really did look deranged. I made sure that one didn't make it to the internet, believe me, no amount of photoshop would help make it look sane.

Later on, after lunch, we started trying to think of ideas for for projects for this arts award thing that we're doing. You know when people visit therapists and yoga teachers and that kind of thing and they are told "Clear your mind...", well I would have had no trouble doing that, the only problem was, I needed to think. Eventually, after much pondering and frustration I remembered that Vicky had told me in the interview about flash mobs, where people do things in crowds like apparently spontaneous dancing, like in the T-mobile ad. I thought maybe we could organise this big flash mob in town dancing to, I don't know, Lionel Richie or whatever, but it would have been too much to do in simply 2 weeks. Ho hum, we'll see what happens. Maybe I'll think of something. Hopefully:)...

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